Hi, this page is a new addition to the site. Since I'm a very slow writer, I figured I'd put some updates here. I hope this help.
Progress so far :
12 September 2022
As of now, I am working on chapter 7. I know, what the hell have I been doing all of this time? as I am sure you know, there has been a lot going on this past year. I won't get into the details, but from financial difficulties, fear of losing my job and laundry list of concerns, I didn't want to write while being in a less than ideal mind space to say the least. I am also exploring scenarios to lead the story where I want it to go in a way that make sense and will be entertaining. If you have comments or concerns, you can always address them to me at I also hope, if the site permits, to add a forum here soon. Not exactly tech savvy here. At any rate, you guys take care of yourselves.
13 January 2023
Well, its been a long time. I've just come out of sickness. Not COVID, just a cold. My progress has been very slow but there. I'm getting close to the halfway mark. The structure of the book is getting clearer, and I am excited about some new characters making their entry in the story. Can't say too much, but Alex might find some new companions to get caught up on all the time he was away.